Monday, 9 March 2015

How to identify a fake USA visa

  • Familiarize yourself with the real immigration visa card. Like U.S. currency, it has a hologram, scripts, photographs and special paper issued by the U. S. Immigration Department. If any of these items look distorted or are peeling away from the paper, odds are the card is fake.
  • Ensure the photo of the individual matches the person trying to use it. Many times, a stolen visa card will be reused and then sold on the streets to someone who looks similar to the original owner. If the picture looks distorted or cropped in any way, do not accept the card.
  • Verify there is a fingerprint of the owner or applicant. A missing fingerprint is a sure sign that the card is fake. All cards go through a 10-year renewal process that has a strict policy of providing fingerprints of the applicants.
  • Look at the fine print on the visa card. If any of the print runs in different directions instead of one constant flow, that is another sign of a forgery. Also check for an expiration date; If none exists, consider that another sign.

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