Monday, 16 March 2015

Study in Ukraine

 A great opportunity has opened-up for students who wish to study in Ukraine, Europe. Ukraine offers one of the cheapest but highly substantial higher training for foreign (international) students, and over the past decades, it has graduated thousands of international students in different professional fields..
Depending on the course of study, tuition fee is as low as 2000$ per year, and all that is required is your high school certificate. Also, the living situation is worth mentioning, as some students(non-extravagance) can live by as low 100$ per month
Who Can Apply?
Any student with a high school (Secondary school) certificate can apply. There is no requirement for SAT, TOEFL or any other preparatory program.
To secure an admission letter, and a study invitation letter, a student must have the below two documents:
1. A scan copy of high school certificate;
2. A scan copy f international passport.
The above two documents will secure you an admission letter, if you do not yet possess your international passport, find out an office in your country responsible for issuing international passport and get your copy.
More documents are required to process your Visa. Visa for students to study in Ukraine is a 100% assurance.
Most courses are available in English language, and some in Ukrainian/Russian language. Therefore, depending on the course, preparatory (one year language program) may or may not be necessary.
Africans mostly; Kenyans,Ugandans, Tanzanians, Ghanaian, Nigerians, Liberians, Ethiopians,Malians, Cameroonians, etc. are enjoying this great education opportunity.
Why Ukraine?
There are so many reasons why you should consider studying in Ukraine. The most important of those reasons is the if you apply, you are 100% sure of studying in Ukraine by September this year.
- Ukraine offers one of the cheapest and reliable education system in Europe
- No SAT or TOEFL required.
- Depending on the course and level of study, preparatory (language) program may or may not be necessary.
- Worldwide Recognized Degrees (WHO, UNESCO, PLAB, USMLE, EU COUNCIL, etc.)
- European living standard.
- English, Ukrainian and Russian Mediums of Instruction.
- Better Job opportunity all over the world.
- Emphasis on practical aspects in teaching.
- Some of the best transportation systems in Europe.
- International Students enjoy approximately 50% discount on travel.
- Chances to learn from great Professors visiting from USA, CANADA, UK, EU, etc.
- Participation in Seminars/Symposium/Project Work, etc. in other European cities.
- Three Months Summer Jobs during vacation in countries like U.K., Sweden, Germany, Finland, etc.
- Chances of Permanent Residence & Settlement in Europe after completion of study .
- No extra expenses for books, as the books are provided by University Library.
- 100% visa guarantee; for eligible candidates.
How we help
1. Securing admission letter for students,
2. Helping the students with document processing and visa acquisition,
3. Airport pickup upon arrival in Ukraine,
4. Provision of accommodation
5. Registering students with university, upon arrival in Ukraine

contact us on
whatsapp: +233544496846

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